Do you still have vehicles which have a manual Gearbox?
At Teesside LGV Training we can help you, we offer a number of services to help candidates or organisations which still have manual geared vehicles.
We understand that a large number of newly qualified drivers have not driven a manually geared large goods vehicle. This is primarily because more and more vehicles are automatic but there are still a number of vehicles in use that are manuals. this could be very daunting for a new candiate who does not have any experience, also it could be very costly for an organisation which has manual geared vehicles and drivers are not trained properly to use.
Instructors from Teesside LGV Training have been delivering manual geared driver training for a lot of years and we have a manual geared vehicle to be able to deliver this specialised training. This training can be with an individual candidate or we can arrange larger training courses with organisations. We can even come and deliver this training on your vehicles at your site.
Book your place on the Manual Gear Training by clicking book now below and filling out the online form or call: 01642 466099
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